Open Call- How I Create Stillness...
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"Creating Stillness is a welcoming and inspiring invitation to reconnect with our own wisdom and creativity. By fusing mindfulness with the expressive arts, we are guided in awakening our senses, healing our heart and freeing our spirit.”
- Tara Brach, Author of Radical Acceptance and Trusting the Gold
“A heartfelt step-by-step guidebook to the deep healing that art can awaken.”
-Jack Kornfield, Author of A Path With Heart
“I am often asked, what is the relationship between mindfulness and creativity? I am delighted now to be able to refer people to this wise and profound book.”
-Diana Winston,
Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center
and the author of The Little Book of Being
My book
Creating Stillness:
Mindful Art Practices & Stories for Navigating Anxiety, Stress, & Fear
Available Now!
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