About Me:
Thank you for coming to visit Workshop Muse! My name is Rachel Rose and I an educator, contemplative artist and writer. I am a white cis woman who makes my home on the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta.
Here you will find videos, courses, and inspiration for how you can use your art to go deeper. We don't just make beautiful things, we make things with meaning and create as a radical act of being alive.
Learn how to use your creative process as a tool for practicing mindfulness and learn more about your emotions and well being and how you can contribute to making the world more just, green, and compassionate through creative expression.
Over the years my passions and interests have taken me from the ivory tower of university life where I pursued a Masters in Adult Education, to remote Indigenous communities in Canada, from working in hospitals and non-profits, to formal training in the therapeutic arts as well as informal training on my meditation cushion on the floor. All the while I have been supporting people on their quest to living life more joyfully, while also finding my own.
I am someone who has experienced my own share of challenges and struggles in life anxiety, divorce, and mindfully parenting my 13 and 7 year old boys and my 4 year old daughter, all while pursuing a career have all taught me many lessons. My path through the dark patches of my own personal life was lit up with creativity, mindfulness, exploring the outdoors and being brave in relationship. I believe that it is because of my own personal challenges and growths that I am able to hold a compassionate and empathic space for others.
Throughout my travels and experiences I have learned that we only really find peace and connection when we get messy in the trenches of life, doing and making things, not standing on the sidelines lost in our minds. Whether it's stress and anxiety, parenting, relationships, or our day-to-day lives, the challenges of living in this modern age require us to stop looking at our screens, stop seeking experts selling us quick fixes, and instead get messy and inspired in order to find our own solutions. My hope is that Workshop Muse can play a little part in that.

It is important for you to know:
I am a white cis woman who makes my home on the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprising the Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations). People now refer to these lands as The City of Calgary, which is also home to Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III.
Throughout my life I have benefited from systematic racism in incalculable ways. From the way I move through my day to the opportunities that have brought me here and the benefits I have been afforded, I stand where I am because of the pain and suffering of others. I have been an instrument of white supremacy and colonisation keeping them both alive and well through my actions and inactions. I often moved through this life with entitlement, and despite my good intentions I know that I have caused harm. I am still trying to reflect and learn on all the ways I have been blind to, or simply turned a blind eye to, the subjugation of others. They have been many and varied. I also know that the systems of oppression I have been a part of have harmed the planet as well. I care about creating both a just and green society.
I want you to know that I am committed to looking at myself, offerings, finances, family, political agency, choices, actions and intentions to ensure that I am not perpetuating suffering of others or the planet. I have done this for too long. I am not always certain how to do this, but I am eager to stay rooted in the process of continuing to learn, fall apart, and learn again. I welcome (and invite you) to hold me accountable to my actions if you see me acting otherwise.
Workshop Muse is a one-woman enterprise deeply committed to ensuring that the way in which I move through this world is with humility and recognition of the privilege that has brought me here. I am committed to being a positive ally to others and the voiceless plants and animals.
I commit to
Donating 5% of my yearly income to local groups that I value and believe in (as my income grows so too will this dedication). I recognize that most of my income comes from people globally and I am choosing to give back to local groups I believe in. These groups are;
Share my platform to BIPOC and LGTBQ2 folks (contact me if you would like to be featured!) As well as sharing how the intersection of ecological justice meets art.
I don’t participate or host online or in person events if they don’t have diversity or perpetuate cultural appropriation in any way. If you would like to collaborate with me, please know that this will be something deeply important to me.
In my Facebook Group and other social media platforms I will be moderating with all of these ethics and principles at the forefront.
Continuing to educate myself and learn about the ways that oppression and harm manifest and the ways that I contribute to this. I consider this a key part of my annual professional development.
I welcome feedback on how I can improve or better these efforts of sentiment. Please reach out to my open ears.