This invitation is for online content creators working in the arts, mindfulness, creative mindfulness (or similar) to create a course for the Workshop Muse Inspiration Library. Creators will be contracted for a flat fee to ensure they receive equitable compensation for their time and expertise and don’t need to rely on affiliate commission or similar. To date the Inspiration Library has been home to courses and e-books created by Rachel Rose (that’s me!) Members pay a monthly fee to access all the content which includes video courses, books, and live sessions exploring creative mindfulness and the reflective arts.
The time has come to expand the libraries offerings to include other content creators and their wisdom. I welcome submissions from creators with a range of backgrounds, training, and size of platform and value the voices and perspectives of folks who hold identities different from my own. Submissions will be evaluated based on the best fit for the library, uniqueness of course, as well as quality of presentation and course design.
What is the Call For?
Create a course or series focused on creative mindfulness, reflective arts, or similar for the Workshop Muse Inspiration Library ranging in length from a single course of 30 minutes to a broader series up to 3 hours in length. Courses may teach visual arts (painting, art journaling, drawing etc.) fiber arts, literary arts, expressive movement, or any practice contemplative in origin.
What Deliverables are Expected?
Successful creators will Design, Facilitate, Film, & Edit their course on the agreed upon timeline (anticipated release dates will be in 2022.) Both creators as well as Workshop Muse will retain joint rights to use the course in a mutually agreed upon manner.
Why Apply?
You will have a chance to share your creative content with a large audience of new students. As a content creator your skills and expertise will be fairly and equitably financially compensated. In addition, you, your course, as well as social media links etc. will be promoted to the Workshop Muse email list of 9 thousand people and growing.
Interested in applying?
Take some time to explore the Workshop Muse website and what the Inspiration Library is all about here. Please put together a short proposal that include the following information and email your submission to Rachel via email at
· Course Name
· Brief Summary
· Brief Explanation about How and Why this Course Fits in the Inspiration Library
· 1-3 Learning Objectives
· 1-3 Learning Outcomes
· Supplies Required
· Budget (Expected Hourly Wage & Anticipated Hours Required to Complete Project)
· Relevant Qualifications, Expertise, Certifications or Experience
· Briefly Outline Your Experience Filming/Editing Video Course
· Links to your website/social media/publications or other
· Any other Additional Information you would like to Include
Their is no deadline to apply, although interested applicants are encouraged to declare their intention to apply ASAP.
Questions are always welcome, I also encourage you to reach out to run your idea past me before applying to confirm it’s a good fit! Email me at I recognize the time it takes to apply for this and would like to offer you my free e-book “Mindful Inspirations” as a thank you for taking the time and consideration to apply.
With gratitude and respect,
Rachel Rose