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Welcome to Creative Endurance

your free companion course to

Creating Stillness the book...


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Creative Endurance

 A Mindful Approach to lasting creativity.


Often, we struggle to stay engaged, motivated, and present in our creative pursuits. Despite our best intentions to show up each day to our creative interests and passions inevitably the stressors of life, our own self-doubt, and our challenging emotions sideline us. In order to grow a sustained sturdy lifelong creative practice, we must set the proper conditions.


Creative Endurance is both a practice and a mindset that welcomes the inevitable struggles of life and helps you to stay connected and engaged in a creative practice come what may. 

Creative Endurance asks:


  • What old ideas, beliefs, and mindsets have you stuck in unhealthy patterns?

  • What untapped resources, skills, and insights might be ready & waiting to support you?

  • What are the specific habits, actions, and practices that can support you on your journey towards a life of lasting creative expression?


This course will help you to create a nourishing foundation to support your creative practice to grow and flourish employing both mindfulness and creative expression as your guide. 


This course is for you if you:


  • Struggle to stay motivated in your creative practice.

  • Find that your inner critic often undermines your creative intentions.

  • Find that anxiety and stress often crowd out your capacity to create.

  • Feel that you don’t have the time to commit to creativity.

  • Want to formally integrate creativity into your mindfulness practice.


What to expect/know about this course:


  • It is 3 part video series running  one hour and 45 minutes available on demand. Guided by Rachel Rose of Workshop Muse this course employs a mix of traditional teaching as well as mediations and creative invitations to help you uncover your own personal solutions and insight.


  • Designed as both a precursor and companion to the book “Creating Stillness: Mindful Art Stories and Practices for Anxiety, Stress & Fear” this course will help you first address the pitfalls, beliefs, and values that threaten to derail your deepest creative intentions.


  • Employing mindfulness principles and practices, both seasoned practitioners and those new to the concepts will be encouraged to reflect on and to deepen their reflection while finding personal insight and guidance to help you find creative endurance.


  • This course is open to all skills, levels, and abilities. Seasoned creators and mindfulness practitioners as well as those new will find support relevant to their own path.


  • No need to have completed the book (or even have started the book yet!) Creative Endurance works as a stand alone course but was designed to prepare you for the work in Creating Stillness



Start Here

Part 1:

Introduction/ Art Invitation to Explore "Typical Creative Approach"

Part 2:

The Creative Endurance Mindset

Part 3:

Meditation/ Closing Creative Invitation

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Or email them to me at 
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