Join me starting Sunday September 20 at 10:00 Mountain time (or as a recorded session afterwards) for my 8 month online series,

Find stillness through art making & learn to manage anxiety & stress through monthly lessons in mindful expressive art.
Creating Stillness
This course is available through a subscription to the Inspiration Library (the home of ALL of the courses at Workshop Muse!) As part of your membership you will have access to a huge bank of videos & e-books.
Cancel anytime.
Invitation to Creating Stillness
How can art help us manage anxiety & stress?
Anxiety and stress are at all time highs globally. Many of us are seeking ways to find refuge, peace and stillness in the throes of everyday life. This course will show you how creativity can help you to become more aware and mindful of yourself helping you to find calm. You don't need to be an artist or have any particular skills, creativity is something we all have inside of us ready to help us make sense of ourselves and the world.
Fusing the evidence based benefits of both creativity and mindfulness this unique course series will have you sketching, painting, taking photos, writing poems and more all as a way to learn the principles and practices of mindfulness.
Each month we will create together as we learn to cultivate a mindset and new relationship with ourselves and our anxiety & stress. Our art and creativity will guide us through these lessons allowing us to go deeper and examine ourselves in mind, body and heart. In each lesson we will create, reflect, connect and leave with simple creative prompts to keep us exploring the skills and practices we just learned, helping us find stillness and calm in our lives. We will be using simple supplies, no need to buy expensive materials!
At the end of this series you will have cultivated a new relationship with yourself, found strategies to manage your anxiety and stress and know how to use art and mindfulness to find stillness in any moment.
Your teacher:
Rachel is an Expressive Arts Educator who teaches people how to use creativity for self-care, awareness, and wellness. Her offerings fuse mindfulness practices with the reflective arts supporting all types of creative people to find awareness, insight and inspiration through art. Rachel has a Masters in Adult Education with a focus on art and transformative learning, additional training in the Expressive Art Therapies, and lifelong learning in contemplative practices. In her own creative practice every piece she makes begins through an exploration of an emotion and emerges as a symbolic story. Rachel's favourite tools for creation are textiles, paper, the natural world, and words.

As part of your registration you will have access to over 50 hours of other courses and offerings. You can cancel your membership anytime without penalty. If cost is an issue for you please email me at workshopmuse@gmail.com with a brief line of explanation and I will offer you a discount code.
How does the course work?
Each month we will meet live via Zoom. For the first 60 minutes Rachel will walk you through a contemplative creative exercise and offer a lesson using, story, poetry or other art forms to help you begin exploring a fundamental principle of mindfulness in your life. The hour will conclude with a creative practice to take away and explore supporting you continue to finding meaning and insight over the next month and sustain a practice of creative mindfulness. This hour of recorded content will be made available in the Inspiration Library for you to revisit or view as much as you like and whenever you like.
After the 60 minute lesson learners on the live zoom call will be encouraged to stay on and share, discuss and connect with each other about their insights and takeaways from the class (this portion of the class will not be recorded.)
In total there will be 6 monthly lessons with recording and handouts available, as well as 2 special live check ins (which will not be recorded) where Rachel will lead a group meditation and offer a chance for more discussion and reflection amongst participants.
You will also receive instant access to a warm up lesson you start immediately that will help orient you to this work and give you 2 activities to begin practicing today.

The Schedule
January 17
Am I a Human Being or Doing?
February 21
Softening & Letting Go
March 21
Trusting Ourselves in Stillness
April 18
A special live community chat
September 20
A Safe Place to Rest
October 18
"What we resist persists..."
November 15
Everyday Grace
December 20
A special live community chat
Introductory lesson available immediately
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I too late?
No! After each live lessons the recordings are available in the library to access at your leisure. Jump in anytime or go back and work through previous ones at your own pace. Once you register you will also be given instant access to an introductory lesson with 2 activities to get you started.
How long is each class?
60 minutes of learning (recorded), 30 minutes of discussion (live only)
What are the times of the classes?
We will meet at 10:00am Mountain time the 3rd Sunday of each month (September- April)
Check your local time zone here
What if I can't attend the live sessions?
A recording of the first 60 minutes will be made available along with the handout in the Inspiration Library 2-3 days after each class. You can revisit these lessons as much as you like!
How does Zoom work?
Zoom is a free service that works with most computers quite simply, you can also use tablets or even call in via phone to listen into the lessons. No need to make an account just follow the email link to join each class. If you have privacy concerns you can also choose to have your screen off (which means no one can see you!) Learn more about zoom here
What is included in my monthly subscription?
Creating Stillness is offered exclusively through a membership to the Inspiration Library at Workshop Muse. This is the one stop shop for all of my offerings. Here you will have ongoing access to all of my past courses and e-books. This is a chance to explore additional classes or pursue other offerings while you do Creating Stillness to help you continue creating for your well being. Learn more about everything available in the Inspiration Library here
What sort of art will we be making?
You don't need to be experienced or have any skills as an artists to participate. The art we will be making will be focused on the process giving you a chance to play and observe yourself as you interact with various mediums. We will be sketching, exploring simple colour, engaging our imaginations, doing expressive writing, making collages, taking photographs and more!
How do I register?
You can register for Creating Stillness by setting up a membership in the Inspiration Library.
Start by setting up your payment (Step 1) through PayPal then create a membership at Workshop Muse (Step 2.) Once approved you will have access to the Inspiration Library and all its offerings! Register and start with Step 1 here
What if I cant afford this?
If cost is an issue for you please email me at workshopmuse@gmail.com with a brief line of explanation and I will offer you a discount code.
How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel anytime without penalty. Your membership is active for as long as you like. To cancel simply log into your PayPal account and cancel your subscription with Workshop Muse.
Do I need to buy supplies?
Rachel will share a supply list for each class in advance. However, the supplies required will be very simple! For example pen and paper, your favourite colour mediums, found objects etc. No need to go out in advance and purchase anything at all.
Can I just buy the course without the membership?
At this time Creating Stillness will only be available in the Inspiration Library and there are no plans to offer it any other way at this time.