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Make & Meditate


Make & Meditate is a monthly gathering for you to explore your deepest questions. A gentle inviting and creative space paired with essential learning and wisdom to help you forge your own path towards meaning and expression.

Each session you will identify a question that matters most to you on the topic. Through a series of creative and mindfulness invitations you will explore your own unique insights and answers. Along the way I will offer you teachings and practical tools to help you make sense of how to best approach the theme moving ahead. Creativity & learning personalized to your needs!


Bring your journal, a few sheets of quality art paper, your favourite colour mediums and some collage materials. 

All classes 10-12 mountain time.

There are 3 ways to join!

Join the Inspiration Library

This class is included as part of the Inspiration Library membership, use the discount code 2024 at checkout and get 50% off of a monthly subscription. Your membership will be about $15 USD after conversion each month. Cancel anytime. Four and Six month passes also available. Inside the library you get access to a huge back catalogue of courses, all the live events and an ebook. Learn more here

Purchase all 4 classes

Join in all 4 sessions this fall for $90 CAD (approximately $66 USD)

Learn more here

Purchase a single class

Join any class for $25 CAD (approximately $18 USD)

Learn more here

*Folks with a special guest pass email me at to gain access to any of these sessions.


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